Synopsis: A man is hired by the government to interview an Alien in captivity.

  • Years ago, while visiting my parents, I was up late watching movies. This night, I chose the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still." It got to a scene when the President's secretary came to talk to Klaatu. Through the dialog, we see that time has passed and this is one of many meetings with the alien. While I watched, my mind couldn't help but make an observation of how important a meeting like this would be. Who would be the person assigned to this type of work? How would they decide what to ask? As all these thoughts popped in and out of my head that night, I began forming the skeleton of the story.

    -Eric P., Writer/Director

  • Cast:

    Kirby: Mercedes Amos

    Jennifer Gibbons: Zeke Banks

    Will Gibbons: Garrett Barnes

    Soldier #2: Ryan Brown

    Alien: Jaron Farassat

    Agent Moore: Phillip Martin

    TV Narrator: R Jay Molina

    Miller: Eric Pace

    Driver: Glenn Semones

    Soldier #1: Aaron Zeller


    Writer | Director: Eric Pace

    Producer: Matthew Burchfield

    Producer: Aliki Marie Pantas Semones

    Co-Producer: Lawanda Edwards

    Co-Producer: Ezra Peterson

    Line Producer | Production Designer | Assistant Director: Nicole Wang

    Director or Photography: Paul Conto

    Editor: R Jay Molina

    Production Designer: Glenn Semones

    Special Makeup Effects Artist: Eric Jewell

    Makeup Artist: Maria Pace

    Sound Department: Crystal Culbertson and Sam Winters

    Assistant Camera: Mojo

    Script Supervisor: Jessica Shields

    Production Assistant: Justin Kosch

  • Project Type: Short Film

    Genre(s): Drama, Sci-Fi

    Runtime: 13 Minutes

    Production Budget: N/A

    Country of Origin: United States

    Country of Filming: United States

    Language: English

    Shooting Format: Digital

    Aspect Ratio: 16:9

    Film Color: Color

    • Official Selection 2020 at the MystiCon Independent Film Festival and Stranger Days Independent Film Festival

    • Nominated for “Best Special Effects” at the Stranger Days Independent Film Festival

    • 2020 Winner for “Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy” at the MystiCon Independent Film Festival and 2020 Winner for “Best Sci-Fi Short” at the Stranger Days Independent Film Festival.

    • IMDb page

    • Letterboxd page


Official Poster

Official Stills
