Creating MoART

R Jay Molina

R Jay M.

Liam Shermeyer

Liam S.

Jon Punzi

Jonathan P.

It really was as simple as wanting to form a movie production company. We were younger, didn’t care about what others thought. We just filmed what we could with what we had. Sometimes our projects were meticulously planned, sometimes we shot something on the fly in a day. We seemed to have all time in the world to do so. Nowadays, responsibilities take priority. However, when we can, when it makes sense to do so, we still create.

The Motion Art Collective is meant to be more than just the three of us. It’s meant to be more than just our film endeavors. It’s about a group of creatives, doing what they do best, creating with the tools they need to get their voice out there.

We welcome newcomers. We aim to support you in any way we can. Whether it’s putting a showcase together for your photography, assembling the tools you need to make your music, reviewing the book you’ve been meaning to publish, we’re here for you.

Join the Collective to DO | LOVE | LEARN.


R Jay M., Liam S., Jonathan P.

Photos from the Early Days…(circa 2010)