December 2021

Happy Holidays! We hope that any holiday you celebrate in December is filled with rest, peace, and joy. It’s been an eventful year. So some of us escaped to Jamaica for a wedding and much needed R & R. Next year will prove to be more so with projects we have in development.

We’re not big on resolutions, we just aim to…“do.” Sometimes whatever we plan on doing is easier said than done, sometimes everything works out in a matter of hours. The point is at least making an attempt.

So make an attempt next year to do something you’ve always wanted to do. Stroke a painting, sketch a landscape, snap a photo, shoot a movie, write that novel, sculpt some clay, walk a trail, tap your feet. Live.

Don’t just exist. Create. Move with your art.

A Jamaican sunset

A Jamaican Sunset


January 2022


November 2021