March 2022

It’s been a month and there’s a lot to unpack…

Our short film, “Table for Two,” got into two film festivals, receiving “Official Selections” at the Northern Virginia International Film & Music Festival (NOVA Fest) and the Beyond the Curve International Film Festival (BCIFF).

NOVA Fest also nominated “Table for Two” for Best Actress in a Short Film, Best Romance, Best Score, and The NOVA Award (Best Locally Produced Film). We were already honored to be a part of the “Official Selection,” so these nominations are just multiple cherries on top!

The BCIFF is hosted in Paris, France both virtually and in-person. We submitted to this festival on a whim and were surprised to be included in their April lineup!

NOVA Fest is traditionally in-person, with premieres occurring at the Angelika Film Center & Café at Mosaic in Fairfax, VA. However, for health and safety, they are continuing virtual screenings this year. Tickets can be found here:

Essentially, you can buy a pass for any day between April 3 - April 10 and view all the “Official Selections” virtually on that day, Netflix style, at your own pace. The Awards Ceremony will be on April 9 and requires another ticket purchase.

Currently, the virtually screening info for BCIFF is pending, but we’ve included a link here for anyone to track on their own:

There are more festivals we’ve submitted “Table for Two” into, with hopefully more updates throughout this year. We’re so grateful for the support we’ve had from friends, family, and fans and hope you celebrate with us whenever there’s a screening near you or online!

Cast and Crew shooting one of the last shots of "Table for Two"

Last day and shot of production on “Table for Two.”


April - August 2022


February 2022