May 2023 - June 2024

Are we just doing yearly newsletters now?

The award nominated short film “Table for Two” went on sale, digitally, for a few months. It’s been shelved for the time being while we set up a new distribution method directly on our website, instead of a 3rd party service.

The following short documentaries were shot and edited by R Jay Molina.

Lastly, a new short narrative film began development in January of this year, with R Jay starting a script called, “Let Me Rest.” A film with deeply personal subject matter.

Casting slowly began after the second draft was completed with actor Jessica Claros interested in the Lead Role of Lynn. Casting for the Supporting Role of Mary began this month (June) and pre-production, including location scouting, will continue throughout July, with production aiming for late September, early October.

Click here for info on the Casting Call for the Supporting Role.


September 2022 - April 2023